About Tollesbury.org
Tollesbury.org was born in 1999 with the idea of providing an online presence for the village of Tollesbury. The site is run on a voluntary, not for profit basis (you will see google ads running on the site, the small income from these ads is used to pay for the domain names etc).
Originally the site was hosted on free web space provided by freenetname, who also provided us free with our first domain name - tollesbury.org.uk. We now use tollesbury.org as our main site address and have another six domain names that resolve to this address; tollesbury.org.uk, tollesbury.co.uk, tollesbury.info, tollesbury.net and tollesbury.uk.
The site has moved to various different hosting providers as better web technology has become available. We are now hosted with fasthosts who provide us with a server that can deliver dynamic content via an online database and server-side scripting.
We use this technology to ease the administration of the site and provide services such as the online directory; this is a list of businesses, services, clubs and groups that either advertise in the Parish Magazine or provide important and essential support for local people and visitors.
With all this technology, the purpose of the site remains the same as when it first went live:-
- Provide an online presence for the village of Tollesbury
- Make information available about Tollesbury to residents and visitors
- Support local business and commerce
- Support local voluntary clubs and groups
Judging from the email we receive and the visitors we've met, it seems that we are successful in this. We've had visitors from the Isle of Wight who wanted to see the effects of the Environment Agency's 'Set-back' project, a visitor from Virginia, USA who came over to see his 13th Great Grand-Fathers brass memorial in Saint Mary's church and numerous visitors from the continent...all have used the tollesbury.org web site as a source to find the information they where after and have come to the village, met with local people and, in one way or another, supported the village finacially. A very big Thank You to all those visitors for their interest and support in the village.
Thanks for visiting Tollesbury.org